Welcome to NeuGeneration

NeuGeneration is an organization centered around giving the community a foundational understanding of the field of neuroscience, for the benefit of comprehending one of the human body’s most complex organs. We aim to bring our community the most educated professionals to provide you with insights on the latest and most interesting advancements in the field.

Annually, we organize a two-day neuroscience conference, held at the medical campus of Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. The conference is organized by a group of undergraduate students who share a common interest in neuroscience. We would like to gladly announce that our conference will be hosted the weekend of February 3rd, 2024. We also host speaker events outside the conference time, well dispersed throughout the year.

Our newest conference will provide delegates with the opportunity to listen to and network with leading neuroscience researchers within North America. Delegates may also compete in a case-competition that gives them a chance to share their passion for problem-solving and research through group learning and presentations, with the potential to have their abstract published in an undergraduate journal.

Lastly, our delegates will participate in hands-on workshops that encompass a diverse set of neuroscience topics. Our conference has explored a wide variety of topics within neuroscience from mental health and neurodegenerative diseases, to topics in artificial intelligence, neurosurgery, and neural plasticity. We are committed to providing our delegates with a worthwhile in-person conference full of revolutionary research and engaging conversations for networking opportunities to inspire the next generation of undergraduate students passionate about neuroscience.

As we approach our ninth annual conference this February, we hope to entice you to join the conversation and to explore the complexity surrounding the sophisticated inner workings of the human brain. We hope to provide the community with a deeper connection to a network that is bigger than themselves, giving delegates the opportunity to share their thoughts, questions, and passion with other individuals who are united by their love of neuroscience. We hope to see you there!

Adam Carbonara & Neleah Lavoie

NeuGeneration Co-Chairs, 2023-2024

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